Stamford NY
Tonight I am sleeping at the Catskill Veteran Outreach Center in Stamford NY. This facility formally known as The Delaware Inn housed Theodore Roosevelt twice, once as governor and once as president. It’s a rather large facility containing three floors of rooms, a kitchen, common TV room, and great room.
Today Walk With Frank hosted a veterans outreach conference consisting of advocates for mental health, substance abuse, homelessness, and PTSD. Charles Piper the VSO (Veterans Service Officer) of Delaware County and I have been working on this project for a year. Each outreach program had a table along with Walk With Frank. I had THE ART OF WAR set up ahead of time for veterans to view.
I’m located in a renovated room on the second floor trying to sort out my day. I began with a radio interview and finished up with no less than three newspapers asking questions. It’s been an exhausting day so I’m excited to have a comfortable room.