No one will talk to me as long as I’m carrying a video camera. I explained it’s not a gun it’s a harmless I-Phone and I’m here as a friend but I do understand their point very well. They don’t know me and I could be anyone. Kudos to you!
Ive been on many airbases in my life in fact I shop at Mictchell Field Navy Exchange (NEX) on Long Island for food and supplies regularly. However Niagara Falls Air Reserve is a small base with a rich military history.
I was able to talk to the guards st the gate as they checked my ID and interrogate me through conversation. After I told them who I was and what I’m doing they asked for business cards to follow my Walk. I explained that even though they active military now some day they will become veterans. It’s a point young men don’t anticipate. Every military person is a future veteran and that’s why my new curriculum “The Experience of the American Soldier” is so important. It lays the foundation for future veterans and will become the norm in the future.
I applaud our military for its tenacity in securing our