Norwich New York
Walk With Frank has reached out across the state and touched many lives. Large districts like Buffalo and Binghamton as well as small have embraced our efforts and welcomed us with open arms.
As I walk across New York State I speak at many different venues teaching the history of PTSD as well as my contributions over the years. Today I was in Norwich the county seat of Chanango County sharing with administrators and teachers. Norwich is a small farming community nestled in the heartland of central New York State.
I stopped walking yesterday afternoon as I reached Cortland. One day a week we rest and regroup as we resupply our basic needs. Laundry is a must on those rest days. I try to coordinate our day off with a speaking event so as not to loose any time.
My vision is to set up a small PTSD art exhibit one week prior to my visit. The students, teachers, and administrators will take that time to study and discuss PTSD and other veteran issues. Hopefully this will spark interest and prepare them for my visit.
The artwork speaks for itself and coupled with an intense lecture the students are treated to a one of a kind experience. Afterwards many students come to me with very personal experiences they feel comfortable sharing.
“The Experience of the American Soldier”, this is reality based teaching our country needs desperately.